Reduced teaching load measures

Reduced teaching load for MA and Past (preaward)

This reduced teaching load measure is addressed to assistant professors and maître assistants (Lecturer). This measure - a reduced teaching load of 2H during one semester - allows you to alleviate your teaching duties in order to have more time for preparing and submitting grant proposals (e.g., to be submitted to the Swiss National Science Foundation).

Deadlines each year October 30th or April 30th

We remind you that the terms of replacement must have been set up with the dean office and approved by the latter before submitting your request for teaching release.

The Demand should be adressed to

Peggy Legrand
Bâtiment Unicentre
CH-1015 Lausanne
avec copie à


Additional information  here below


Reduced teaching load for MA et MER wit FNS projects in Social Sciences

Important communication : This measure stopped on April 1, 2024

The SNSF has introduced a pilot project aimed at supporting professors (full, associate or assistant professors) in the Humanities and Social Sciences with specific subsidies allowing the reduction of teaching loads over two semesters.

The UNIL Direction extends this measure to MA and MER who obtained an SNSF project in Division I.

Conditions and procedure are specified in the document below.

«Societe»  (109 Ko)


Unicentre  -  CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 20 25
Fax +41 21 692 20 15